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Do or Die Chapter 8

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Do or Die Chapter 8 Empty Do or Die Chapter 8

Post  Raptorguy14 Sun Nov 04, 2012 10:00 pm

Leonard listened as the sound of sirens continuously hit his eardrums. He had been fleeing police for several hours, and was starting to run out of fuel. He needed to find a place to rest his injured leg and escape to Russia, even though returning to Russia meant facing a possible death at the hands of Techrah. He knew that he could get a helicopter to take him to Russia, but he could only call the helicopter after shaking the police.

After driving for another hour on low fuel, Leonard finally found his chance. He had reached the business district of New York City, which was currently experiencing rush hour. Knowing that he could easily lose the cops in this traffic, Leonard drove headlong into the traffic.

Despite Leonard's theory, progress was very slow and the police began to gain ground. Desperate now, Leonard turned onto the sidewalk and sped up as dozens of frightened civilians rushed out of his way. The police were initially reluctant to follow, and by the time they got the sidewalks cleared for safe driving, Leonard was long gone.

Leonard grinned as he continued his nonchalant drive upon the sidewalks of New York City. After driving for fifteen minutes, however, his vehicle began to sputter and he knew that he was out of fuel. Swearing, he stopped the vehicle, got out, and rushed into the nearest building.

The first thing Leonard noticed when he got into the building was that there was a large security guard standing in front of him, presumably with the knowledge of who Leonard was and that he had just escaped from prison. As the guard began to approach Leonard, he hobbled to an elevator and pushed the “up” button. The guard reached Leonard just as the elevator doors opened.

“Sir, I'm placing you under arrest,” the guard said, attempting to handcuff Leonard.

“I'd like to see you do that as a corpse!” Leonard said, pulling out his gun and shooting the guard before he could react. Leonard took the guard's cell phone and hobbled into the elevator, watching the doors close.

Leonard quickly dialed the number of a helicopter pilot who resided in New York City and used to work for the KGB before it was disbanded. After three rings, the man picked up his phone.
“Who is this?” he asked.

“Vladimir, this is Leonard,” Leonard said. “I need your help.”

“I know what's going on,” Vladimir said. “You're on the news, you know. I know you've escaped from prison and you're trying to find somewhere safe to hide out. My guess is that you need me to come and get you.”

“That's right,” Leonard said. “Is there any way you can?”

“Where are you at?” Vladimir asked.

“The entrance looked like some sort of law firm. I'm assuming my chase was on the news as well?”

“Alright, I might know what building you're talking about,” Vladimir said. “Your chase was on the news, and there's a law firm building not far from where the police lost you. They have a helipad, so meet me on the roof in fifteen minutes.”

“Will do,” Leonard said, hanging up the phone. Once the elevator reached the roof, Leonard got out and hobbled toward the helipad. When he reached it, he sat down on the steps leading up to it and waited.

After fifteen minutes, a jet black helicopter with the acronym “KGBSA” flew into view. Leonard stood up and limped backward as Vladimir's helicopter landed on the helipad precisely on schedule. Once the helicopter had landed, Leonard limped up the stairs and Vladimir helped him into the helicopter. Leonard sat down in the copilot spot next to Vladimir, sighing as he did so.

“OK, Leonard, where do you want to go?” Vladimir asked.

“Somewhere safe,” Leonard responded. “I want to go home, Vlad.”

“Back to Russia? Alright.” Vladimir sped up the rotors and got the helicopter into the air. Soon after, however, they encountered three police helicopters, which had twin sentry guns attached to them.

Seeing Leonard's worried expression, Vladimir said, “Don't worry, this chopper is state-of-the-art. It's much faster than their helicopters. Plus they would never shoot at us while we're within city limits.”

“What if we don't lose them before we get out of the city?” Leonard asked.

“If that happens, we're in for the battle of our lives,” Vladimir said.

At that, Vladimir adjusted a few things and he and Leonard flew east as the police choppers pursued them. Even though Vladimir had said that his chopper was faster, Leonard couldn't help but think that the police were getting closer. As they neared the Atlantic Ocean, Leonard brought this up to Vladimir.

“They are getting closer,” Vladimir admitted. “We're in for an air battle, Leonard. Make sure your seat belt's tight, this is going to get rough!”

The police began shooting just as Vladimir said “rough”. Vladimir expertly dodged the gunfire and pressed a button, causing twin sentry guns to emerge from hiding. Gritting his teeth, he returned fire, and soon took one of the three down. As Vladimir continued to fight the other two police choppers, his helicopter was shot by a military helicopter that had just arrived.

“The military's after us!” Leonard exclaimed.

“Then we have to move!” Vladimir responded, retracting the sentry guns and accelerating the helicopter. “Leonard, we're going to make it out of this alive. I know it,” he added, reassuring Leonard. Leonard breathed a sigh of relief as the military helicopter continued to shoot at them.

After twenty minutes, the military helicopter was forced to land so it could refuel and rendezvous with a few other helicopters. Victorious, Leonard and Vladimir made their way to Russia.

Eighteen hours later, Vladimir brought the helicopter to a gang checkpoint in Madrid to refuel and repair. Leonard looked around nervously, worried that the United States had sent word to the world that a criminal, him, was on the loose and was riding around in a black helicopter. Noticing Leonard's unease, Vladimir said, “Don't worry, we're safe here. This is one of our own bases. Remember?”

Leonard nodded, still nervous. He knew that the United States military was definitely on his trail, after what happened in the air battle the day previous. There was no turning back now. He could kiss the United States goodbye because of what he had done.

Once the necessary repairs had been made and the helicopter refueled, Leonard and Vladimir were on their way. Along the entire route, Leonard looked at the radar continuously, worried that the United States would catch up with them. After ten hours of uneasy flying, they finally reached Moscow.

“Welcome home, Leonard,” Vladimir said.

Leonard closed his eyes, leaned back, and smiled. “It's so good to be back,” he said.

“Where do you want me to drop you off?” Vladimir asked.

Leonard thought for a moment. He had to choose carefully; he couldn't go to his regular hideout, or he'd risk being caught by law enforcement. Finally, he said, “I'd like to go to the old Nakvraska hideout. The one we never use anymore?”

“I know the one,” Vladimir said. “I'll get you there. Feel free to relax until we get there.”

Ten minutes later, Leonard, who had been leaning against a window, jerked up at the sight of a building. Pointing, he asked, “Why are we going to Techrah headquarters? I told you to take me to the Nakvraska hideout!”

“I'm so sorry, Leonard,” Vladimir said. “You're my best friend, but I've been paid a large sum of money to bring you here.”

“Who paid you? Why did you bring me here?” Leonard asked wildly, panicking.

As Vladimir landed the helicopter, he said, “Your questions will be answered shortly. Follow me.” Vladimir helped Leonard get out of the plane, but Leonard immediately tried to run. Vladimir tackled him to the ground, took his gun, and led him into the building.

After walking for several minutes, Leonard asked, “Where are you taking me?”

“I'm taking you to the office of Techrah's president,” Vladimir responded. “He said something about wanting to talk to you.”

Leonard gulped, nervous. He didn't know exactly who the president was, but he had heard rumors that he was cold-hearted and ruthless, willing to do anything to get his way. When he reached the door of this man's office, he again tried to escape. This time, Vladimir whipped Leonard with the butt of his own pistol to get him to stop. Leonard took a deep breath and opened the door.

The first thing Leonard noticed about the office was that it looked more like the living room of a rich man's house than a corporate office. The room was large and contained fine leather furniture. There was a fireplace against the eastern wall of the room, and a couch and coffee table were directly in front of it. Underneath the coffee table was a bearskin rug, and sitting on the couch was a man with broad shoulders dressed in a tuxedo.

“That will be all, Vladimir,” the man said. “Leave us alone.”

Vladimir quickly left the room, leaving Leonard alone with this man.

“Leonard, come take a seat next to me,” the man said in a very cheerful voice. Leonard stood there, afraid. “Come on Leonard, I don't bite,” the man said. Leonard finally worked up the courage to approach the man and took a seat next to him. When the man faced him, Leonard noticed that he had a lazy eye. It was Harry Graff.

“Why did you ask to see me?” Leonard asked, still very frightened.

“Well, I heard you made a very bold prison escape recently,” Harry said. “And you were imprisoned for conspiring to take down the CIA. Are these statements correct?”

“Yes sir,” Leonard responded.

“Call me Harry,” Harry said.

“Wait, Harry? As in, Harry Graff? The designer of the USB device that can be used to wipe out the CIA database?” Leonard asked in disbelief. “You're the president of Techrah?”

“Yes I am,” Harry responded. "Where was I? Oh yes. Prior to your escape from prison, you were interviewed by the CIA, were you not?”

“Yes,” Leonard said. At this point, he was too afraid to say anything else.

“And in this interview, you did as you were told by my Techrah executives. And you did nothing more. Correct?”

Leonard breathed a sigh of relief. “Yes Harry,” he said.

“Leonard, my sources state that you told them about Techrah. You weren't supposed to do this, you know.”

Leonard's expression went from neutral to frightened once again. “I...well...” Leonard began.

“You also told them, agents of the agency I used to work for, about me, did you not?”

“I didn't mention your name!” Leonard said. “You've remained anonymous until now!”

“And for very good reason,” Harry said, his voice turning cold. “Do you know what the CIA would do to me if they found out I was involved in this? I was exiled last time I was involved in a controversy; now, I'm sure I'd be sentenced to death.

“You've betrayed Techrah, Leonard. Betraying Techrah is a very dangerous thing to do. Countless people like you have disappeared without a trace. And they'll never be found. I could kill you right now and make it look like you simply vanished.

“But I won't. And do you know why?”

“Because you've got a big heart?” Leonard asked, unsure.

Harry laughed. “No, it's because I can still use you. See, if there's one thing you did right in that interview it was to invoke feelings of sympathy in the agents. They saw you crying; they think you regret your actions.

“I want you to go back to them. Make them believe you're on their side. And I want you to bring them to me by any means necessary. Can you do this for me?”

“If I don't?” Leonard asked.

Harry pulled out a gun. “Then you'll disappear,” he said.

Leonard gulped. “I'll do it,” he choked out.

“Excellent,” Harry said, smiling. “If you're successful, your life will be spared. Now go!”

“How do I get back?” Leonard asked. “The entire country is hunting me.”

“Let my agents take care of that, Leonard,” Harry said. At that, five Techrah agents entered the room and escorted Leonard out. “Look out, Atkins,” Harry said quietly, “I'm coming for you.”

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Do or Die Chapter 8 Empty Re: Do or Die Chapter 8

Post  VeronicaMarsCandybars Sun Nov 04, 2012 10:29 pm


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